Has it happened to you lately? The moment your joy meets another person’s envy? The time your happy heart collides with someone’s self-pity? A friend waxes green behind a tight-lipped smile and a reluctant shake of the head… “Must be nice…” She may even toss God into it. “Boy, I sure wish God would do that for me…” Self-pity, self-seeking, comparison-making, false-fronts. Yuck, yuck, double yuck. But who hasn’t tasted the sour-stomaching fruity effects of the flesh? So we ask God for more love! Indeed, our flesh screams in protest when we work to attain something, only to watch it …
Balancing the Love Scales
Poor poor Leah. I know what it’s like to be picked last on a team, but I’ve never been my husband’s second choice for a wife. Jacob liked Leah’s sister, Rachel, the pretty-faced hottie with a body. Jacob thought he was working seven years for Rachel, but woke up the night after the wedding with a gasp of horror at his father-in-law’s switcheroo. Because Leah wasn’t what Jacob wanted, he kept working another seven years for the one he truly adored. Rachel. Our Compassionate God [box] But because Leah was unloved, the LORD let her have a child, while Rachel …