[box] Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.” John 5:19[/box] I confess: I can be impressionable. If I respect you and you say, “Cheryl, read this or watch that,” I’m likely to seriously consider your suggestion ~ simply because it worked for you. The problem is, what’s good for you isn’t necessarily good for me (yours and my strengths and weaknesses can be as different as the sun and moon); nor is it necessarily best for …
Hearing God
Even before we say “yes” to God, we hear His Spirit woo and whisper us near. Listen as He reminds us how to thrive in our listening adventure. Devour My Word, the Bible, your well-spring of foundational truth. Approach it thirsty, humbly, empty, letting its water wash your spirit, shape your desires. Mine its gold until it becomes you, infusing you with hope, clothing you with quiet confidence and captivating brilliance. Learn discernment by paying attention to My inner warnings and promptings. “Don’t touch that; don’t go there; yes, do that, take this path.” Learn to view narrow restrictions as …