However, Whenever You are My crystal pitcher, pure refreshment, poured out. Depleted, exhausted, spent? Let My Living Water fill your space, richly. Again and again, I satisfy. Making you satisfying to quench. See My sparkling face shining through you, never dulling? You know Me deeper daily, but I know you deeper still. You lived with Me from the beginning, a spirit-seed awaiting place and time. I waited with you before you even knew how to know. I waited to breathe in you and be your love-blood. I waited to get messy for you and raise you …
Destiny Song
Hey friend! Every now and then I like to write a random song and pray it blesses you. This one flowed quickly and effortlessly. I simply sang it out and jotted it down. Maybe that’s why I’m a little nervous to share it here right now. When I’m tired. When I’ve already taken a lot of risks this week (already met my risk quota). But amidst the busyness of my new book project, I’ve missed you and I’ve wanted to share at least one new thing God slipped in my heart. So here goes… However this finds …
Beside My Cross
In truth, be rooted in Easter Love today, light and free as a tree bud, purposed and held together by Divine dwelling in your small, simple swelling. You’re your Branch’s crowning hope-jewel, Heaven’s waving, waiting, merry-making tool. The Easter Seed broke to tell your glory story, singing you to fullness, clothing you in new, death-defying nature, securing all you could ever want to be, simply, in Me. Nothing speaks of our potential and value to God like the cross. The cross is why we have a glory story. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we can wholly lean into grace, …