Once Upon A Dream… [box] Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4[/box] Today we’re going to do something a little different, and dream about dreams. Some of you shared your dreams of breaking into print. By pulling back the curtain of my own adventures, perhaps I can inspire you to embrace something new. As a child, I knew nothing about authors, just that I wanted to be one. God’s call came like a whisper, a flutter of possibility. Maybe I could influence people and make a big Kingdom difference. I started journaling …
Micro Matters
My microwave oven went on the fritz just five slim days beyond its one-year warranty! “We’re VERY sorry,” said the store clerk, “but we can’t help you.” I hung up the phone and started to pray. Nothing fancy or super spiritual. Just, “Lord, please protect our things.” It seemed natural enough. After all, we’re to be wise stewards of our things, right? It hit me like a whoosh! “You need to also pray, Lord, protect my heart from things.” Protect my heart from things…. Ok, I can handle that. I’ll think about that. Then this verse hit me: “For where …
Tired of Liking Worry?
Tossing and turning, I’m tired of being gentle on worry, tired of claiming something as mine that Christ clearly came to take. What is it about the human psyche that insists on sifting through crud? Are we that controlling, untrusting and forgetful? Can be. I admit I am sometimes. Even today. In my down, unguarded moments. A friend of worry. Sorry, Lord. I choose to trust you today. Here I am. Remembering who You are. Abba, Daddy, Doctor, Counselor, teacher, eternal best friend… Do you hear me, God? I said I’m tired of worry. I know you hate it too …