My microwave oven went on the fritz just five slim days beyond its one-year warranty!
“We’re VERY sorry,” said the store clerk, “but we can’t help you.”
I hung up the phone and started to pray. Nothing fancy or super spiritual. Just, “Lord, please protect our things.” It seemed natural enough. After all, we’re to be wise stewards of our things, right?
It hit me like a whoosh! “You need to also pray, Lord, protect my heart from things.”
Protect my heart from things…. Ok, I can handle that. I’ll think about that. Then this verse hit me:
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21
Things are just things… (I know, doesn’t it sound profound?) But your heart is at the heart of it all!
Another verse…. Oh boy.
“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23
Hmm… I have a lot of issues. If they’re going to spring out of my heart, I’d sure better protect it!
Actually, I wanted to shout, “Yay, I have a part in protecting my heart!” but I sobered up when I realized … Hey, this is a serious mandate.
We spend a lot of time protecting our things, getting insurance, washing, polishing, buffing… How much time do we invest in protecting our hearts? And HOW do we protect our hearts?
I don’t have all the answers, so I’m going to let you answer this time.
How do we guard our hearts? What does that mean?
(Oh and, don’t be afraid to put your heart out there to answer.)
Guarding our hearts means walking, abiding and submitting to God and learning how to give up more of self. (Easy to do when we are not in the moment.) Praying earnestly and reading His word, learning how to listen and making time to lisen (not easy) and being thankful for everything. (Can be a challenge.) Thank you for your inspiration,”dear” Cheryl.
Joan, I especially like when you say, “reading His Word and learning how to listen and making time to listen.”
What are we thinking about? It’s a good question to ask ourselves. And what do we do about what we’re thinking about?
Thanks for responding, and I look forward to hearing from others as well…
Cheryl, once again your words are timely. So many times I get caught up in the busyness of life and then get broadsided by another person’s words or actions, whether in person, by text, or on TV. Thanks for reminding me to guard my heart.
Blessings, dear one,
Thanks Barbara! With all the bombardment, it’s easy to get blindsided. I felt a little down today and had to examine my heart so I could take it to the Divine Chiropractor and make a little adjustment.
Our hearts hold our treasures. You’re a treasure with a beautiful God-hugging heart! Blessings in your heart-guarding today!
Cheryl: Just a great reminder. Thanks. Cheri
Thanks Cheri! How’s the writing and blogging?
Hugs to you!
Love the image! water & heart!
Wait! Love the image! Water, heart & crown! Awesome!
Thanks Bev! Yeah, the three in one juxtaposition is powerful. The King and living water IS LOVE. Blessings!
Protect your heart with God’s armor each day in Ch. 6 of Ephesians. I also pray for God’s discernment in my friendships and business dealings. When I don’t pray for these matters, I leave myself open to being taken advantage of.
Jesus said we were to be as meek as lambs but as wise as foxes in this world.
Great reminders, Dr. Linda. We can’t miss any part of the armor of God; and after we ask God for discernment, we need His strength to use it.
Blessings as you follow the call!