The fact that Jesus emptied and limited Himself when He came to earth, makes me wonder exactly how much the human part of Him grasped the extent of His imminent suffering. Jesus eagerly desired to save the world, but as the end drew near, as Jesus talked to His Father in a garden reminiscent of the one where the first Adam hid from His Father, as Jesus prepared to absorb in His sinless body all the sins of the world, all the wrath of His Father… His heart picked up, His hands trembled, blood-red beads of sweat awakened the raw …
What is the Object of Your Courage?
[box] Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. Luke 9:26[/box] What in the world doesn’t take courage? You need courage to get up in the morning. You may even need it to look in the mirror. But what do we really know about courage? When was the last time you told a stranger about Jesus, faced an angry mob, got arrested for your faith? The disciples faced death and persecution daily, but …
[box] “By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.” Exodus 13:21[/box] With my “creative” sense of direction, this kind of “guidance” could sure come in handy! My GPS usually does a good job, but it didn’t on July 3rd. Instead of taking us to an out-of-town fireworks display, Mrs. GPS took us to a cemetery! No joke. Our first hint should have been the lack of cars and …
A Time To Die?
Leaves litter the ground, reminding me how seasons bleed, one into the next, as quick as a blink, while God waits for us to catch new vision. I kick back on the swing, crunching my feet in fresh crisps of color as I mull over memories of my dear Aunt Shirley. How strange I can’t call her anymore. As sudden as a Minnesota temperature drop, her brain aneurism leaves my own brain reeling. I crumble squeeze a bright orange leaf, blink away pictures of us splashing together at her cottage, of us wizening from sun and water, coming out smelling …
Purpose in the Darkness
When Lazarus was deathly ill, Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus. They waited. And waited. Where was their beloved Master? Four days in a tomb brought more than a foul smell. It brought more mourners ~ more potential. “Many Jews had come to Martha and Mary to comfort them in the loss of their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went out to meet him, but Mary stayed at home.” (John 11:19-20) Here was this kitchen-busy Martha, kicking her beautiful heart into action while Mary stayed home this time. “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you …
Divine Presence
In whirlwinds of confusion when cold questions press you tight, ask Me close and I will hold you by a love surpassing sight. You’re my treasure, bright with promise, and I live to see you reign. As we cross this bridge together, I will lead you through your pain.