[box] “By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night.” Exodus 13:21[/box]
With my “creative” sense of direction, this kind of “guidance” could sure come in handy!
My GPS usually does a good job, but it didn’t on July 3rd. Instead of taking us to an out-of-town fireworks display, Mrs. GPS took us to a cemetery! No joke.
Our first hint should have been the lack of cars and people, but blindly, we kept following Mrs. G’s robo-voice to the cemetery’s {uh-hum} dead-end road.
That’s when my husband figured it out: We forgot to punch in W for west! Picky GPS!
Requiring this kind of precision reminds me of Old Testament laws. One little slip and whamo ~ you miss the mark and fail to reach your destination.
[box] For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 [/box]
Then the good news…
[box] “This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.” Jeremiah 31:33 [/box]
Jesus writes his law on hearts ~ with grace. Give him the wheel and presto ~ He gets us precisely where we’re meant to go. Always. He’s the Way after all. We miss the mark. He redirects us. That’s how grace works.
G.P.S. – God’s Perfect Salvation
Notice how the Old Testament Law helps us appreciate God’s free GPS gift? (Just as my “creative” sense of direction helps me appreciate my husband’s built-in GPS!)
Gone are our worries of being lost ~ because Jesus found us.
Gone is the fear of death ~ because Jesus carries us home.
Giving God the wheel is about more than salvation. It’s a daily drive.
It’s “your will be done,” and “may it be as you say.”
If we go out of town to see the fireworks next year, we’ll probably laugh all over again about our little graveyard visit. Maybe we’ll remind ourselves how we’re destined for someplace else. That’s a thought always worth celebrating! Some day we’ll see some real out-of-this-world fireworks!
Spirit of God, lead us afresh as we follow you and the fire of your Word. Thank you for looking out for us and steering us according to your will. In Jesus’ name.
Happy God-following, friends!
Your Turn
Do you have any wild ‘n wacky GPS stories? We’d love to hear them!
Dr. Linda B. Greer
I just downloaded the “newest” version of USA maps for my Tom-Tom and already have 3 addresses that give the wrong destination for the correct address! I think I’ll ask for a refund.
Hi Linda! Hope you got it straightened out. I have lots of GPS stories, but I don’t know what I’d do without it. I’m just glad God’s my number one GPS, who gets me where I need to go! Blessings!