The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Psalms 37:23,24 About that disappointment you’re feeling… God’s working behind the scenes to make it a God-appointment. That’s Sovereignty. There are no missteps, only his steps; no detours, only God-tours. Rejoice in the Lord! Shout aloud! One blast of Jesus-joy, and say goodbye to those heavies. Remember how he called you? How he flipped on the music, reached for your hand, saying, “May I have this dance?” You said, …
A Time To Die?
Leaves litter the ground, reminding me how seasons bleed, one into the next, as quick as a blink, while God waits for us to catch new vision. I kick back on the swing, crunching my feet in fresh crisps of color as I mull over memories of my dear Aunt Shirley. How strange I can’t call her anymore. As sudden as a Minnesota temperature drop, her brain aneurism leaves my own brain reeling. I crumble squeeze a bright orange leaf, blink away pictures of us splashing together at her cottage, of us wizening from sun and water, coming out smelling …