The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by the hand. Psalms 37:23,24
About that disappointment you’re feeling… God’s working behind the scenes to make it a God-appointment. That’s Sovereignty. There are no missteps, only his steps; no detours, only God-tours.
Rejoice in the Lord! Shout aloud! One blast of Jesus-joy, and say goodbye to those heavies.
Remember how he called you? How he flipped on the music, reached for your hand, saying, “May I have this dance?”
You said, “yes,” opened your eyes to love, and his out-of-this-world hope flooded in.
The world doesn’t know hope. Hope’s bigger than their vision. Bigger than heaven itself.
You became God’s righteousness. You live, move, and breathe the one who lives, moves and breathes in you. The one who created the universe, who orders the times and seasons, who knows the stars by name ~ he orders your steps today.
Your all-knowing Savior hovers over the moment by moment details of you. He led you to this place so he could teach you to breathe. Out with worry. In with his Spirit of truth.
Step together, step, he wants you to trust. Wants to switch your light to the brightest, highest notch – splash you with peace unspeakable and full of story!
Rejoice! The dance partner who orders his angels concerning you, is honest-to-goodness tireless and gracious to see you through. As he leads you today, makes your rough places smooth – watch him swing your perspective into his “Holy Wow” groove!
Have a toe-tapping time in the Lord. I sing it again, Rejoice!
Do you love him? Tell us about it! What has he done for you lately?
Beautiful! How did you know I’ve been feeling disappointed and like a bit of a wallflower in the divine dancehall? What a lovely reminder that not only am I in the dance, I have the BEST partner of all. I know, and I know Him. May I believe more deeply in His goodness with each step.
Wow, Sara. Isn’t it so like our Dance Partner to direct us to the precise hope we need when we need it… So thankful to be His (musical) instrument in your dance today. Blessings! Enjoy the peaceful movements, each step of the way!
Love the dance of all dances, the swing to all swings, the loss of all things, swish of my ballgown aroung my feet, heartbeat to hearbeat, His love so sweet.
Very poetic, Dr. Linda. Thanks for sharing! Whenever we’re dipped down in the dance, our loving partner is always sure to sweep us up again. May the world see our joy in our dance today. Whether we’re down or up, we’re in His arms!