I’m now home from our 25th anniversary celebration in Clearwater Beach. Pondering storms and focus. Three of us four Rickers have been long-battling a fairly serious physical storm, even as we intentionally focus on the Son. Storms feel confusing. They don’t make sense. They’re a test. How do we get to the other side? What should we do? What now, what next? The list goes on. Here are a few short lessons I’ve learned from our storms. As always, I pray you’re somehow encouraged and blessed. When you start to feel overwhelmed, meditate on the Word and the good that …
Baby Steps
[box] “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:4[/box] Our family recently laughed ourselves silly in front of videos of our kids as babes. Highchair time was clearly more about playing than the serious art of eating. Carrot and pea-smothered faces, proud monosyllabic babbles for the camera ~ great material! The boys, now teens, howled watching one of them make his first crawl, or should I say first scoot. “Come on! You can do it!” Frustrated when his body wouldn’t cooperate, he whined and got feisty. Finally, with a grunt and push …