Penelope is an inspirational speaker and award-winning writer of memoirs. She especially loves to write stories that have the potential to restore, transform, and heal the reader. Written with her daughter, her latest book, A Window of Hope, documents her near-death COVID-19 experience from both patient and family perspectives.
Suzy Mellen
In 1997, Suzy Mellen was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole for a horrendous crime she did not commit. In prison, she fell in love with Jesus and decided to live in victory and serve the women she met there. She held prayer meetings, volunteered as a Bible study leader, and participated in every spiritual activity she could. Suzy won the trust, respect, and admiration of other inmates and prison staff. She refused defeat and became more assertive in her faith and confidence. Suzy never gave up hope someone would someday help her reveal the truth. In 2014, …
Maggie R. McKenzie
Born and raised on a farm in Minnesota, Maggie grew up hearing, and researching the intriguing history of her family. This began a life-long love of pioneer history. Maggie and her husband reside in Minnesota. She is a grandmother who enjoys genealogy, quilting, weaving, and gardening.
Danny Richardson
With both a seasoned military and ministry background, Danny Richardson is a tactical thinker, called and gifted to mesh timeless battle principles with essential dynamics of spiritual warfare. Having served in the U.S. Army during the Cold War and in the Persian Gulf War, Danny possesses the military insight necessary to uncover hidden keys on this ever-relevant subject of warfare. Entering the Army as a young man Danny was trained in armored warfare after attending the U.S. Army Armor Center in Ft. Knox, Kentucky. His first tour of duty was a tank crewmember stationed near the Fulda Gap in West …
John Barber
John J. Barber Ph.D. is a professor of theology and culture at Whitefield Theological Seminary in Lakeland, Florida. His main focus is educating disadvantaged people groups in various nations. He has started two colleges, one in Kenya and the other serving the Democratic Republic of Congo. Prior to that he served as a pastor and church planter of multiple churches in the Presbyterian Church in America. John also produced World Changers Radio with Bill Bright, participated in Tyndale’s New Life Study Bible, and wrote Breakpoints for Chuck Colson. John believes that great writers are great thinkers and that great thinkers are those …