In Home with a Heart, James Dobson tells a story of a mother who got the flu. The woman’s little girl, in an effort to play nurse, fluffed mom’s pillows, brought her a magazine, and surprised her with a cup of tea.
“I didn’t know you knew how to make tea,” said the mother, taking a sip.
“Oh, yes,” said the little girl, sweetly. “I learned by watching you. I put the tea leaves in the pan. Then I put in the water, and I boiled it. Then I strained it into a cup. But I couldn’t find a strainer, so I used the flyswatter instead.”
“You what?” said the mother.
“Don’t worry,” the little girl assured her. “I didn’t use the new flyswatter. I used the old one.”
We’re being watched. By little eyes, big eyes, even skeptical eyes.
I know we’re not supposed to worry about what others think of us. We’re supposed to be God-pleasers, not man pleasers. But God also wants us to be mindful of those around us. We’re salt and light, called to live lives worth emulating.
As God’s representatives who bear his name, we’re to glorify him and make him look good. This is our divine privilege. God wants us to make a positive Kingdom difference wherever we go.
[box] Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Colossians 4:5[/box]
[box] …So that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders. 1 Thessalonians 4:12[/box]
Little acts of kindness like friendly smiles, kind words, and caring cups of tea can show God’s love.
Lord, we want to be filled with your love to the brim and overflowing. Help us live lives worth imitating. Lives that say, “follow me as I follow Christ.”
Very cute story!
Glad you enjoyed it, B.J. 🙂
Must be a cup of Shew Fly Tea to go with Shew Fly Pie! Cheryl, I have selected about 9 of your poems from Friends in the Storm for our Bible Study. I will be in touch with Zondrvan about permission to reprint soon.
Love you, my Sister in Christ!
I’m honored you want to include my poems from A Friend in the Storm. God bless your Bible Study, Linda!
Praying for you today, Linda. You can do all things through Christ who gives you strength! 🙂
Hi It is good to hear that yous are a Happy Family,There are so many that are not,Some exept for the Love of Jesus to warm one hart are very lonely,Down here in fl the weather is Been lovely lows 40 hi in 80 lot of 70, I like the tea story too!Just came from Joan Hunter healing meetings it was wndeful to see so many people healed of all kinds of sickness and some set free of a lot of hurts in there lives,broken lives,I pray that all you up there in that cold state mnn,will stay warm and healthy in Jesus Name aman Larry
Thanks for your comment, Larry! I hope you’ll visit back here again. Glad you liked the tea story. 🙂
Test. Lord, thank you for the web guys who are right now fixing the kinks in my site. Please make it all you want it to be, and bless every person who finds us here. Amen.