[box] Jesus explained, “I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself. He does only what he sees the Father doing. Whatever the Father does, the Son also does.” John 5:19[/box] I confess: I can be impressionable. If I respect you and you say, “Cheryl, read this or watch that,” I’m likely to seriously consider your suggestion ~ simply because it worked for you. The problem is, what’s good for you isn’t necessarily good for me (yours and my strengths and weaknesses can be as different as the sun and moon); nor is it necessarily best for …
His Valentine
“I have loved you with an everlasting love…” Jeremiah 31:3 Tripping through life, tossed and torn here and there, we manage to lose it, to leak it. Where’d it go? Where’s joy? Instead of bubbling out, it fizzles flat, leaving us without a wave or a pat. We’re dry, needing a tune up in order to bloom up. Maybe we need to wake up, inhale the rush of salvation. Christ’s resurrection power pushes us passed death, into the new garden we neglect too often. We’re saved! No matter what’s wrong, there is a Holy Ghost song. Earth is just a …
God Never Wastes Pain
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROz6m7DP5oc[/youtube] Whatever you’re going through, Christ sees the purpose beyond your here and now. In 2005 He arranged my friendship with a young wife and mother who was dying of stage four lung cancer. Chantale invited me into her world for regular visits. I was nervous because I didn’t know what to say, but God reminded me of my gift to write poetry. When Chantale said it brought her peace, I kept writing these home and hospice-delivered gifts. What started as poetry in obscurity has become a faith-building gift book. Because God never wastes pain, A Friend in the Storm …
The Comfort of Gentleness
Ever noticed how gentleness is related to power? When we see a lion cub nestling against its mother, we don’t say, “what a gentle cub.” We reserve that for the long-toothed, big-pawed lioness cleaning her cub. “What a gentle mother.” We admire her strength because it’s under control. God knows the fruit of gentleness shows His strength in us. He says, “let your gentleness be evident to all.” (Phil 4:5) Does He say that because He wants to be evident in us? Why else does He want us to practice gentleness? Because He’s love. He cares about how we treat …
Faith Lift
Every step toward Christ kills a doubt. Theodore Cuyler