“I have loved you with an everlasting love…” Jeremiah 31:3
Tripping through life, tossed and torn here and there, we manage to lose it, to leak it. Where’d it go? Where’s joy?
Instead of bubbling out, it fizzles flat, leaving us without a wave or a pat. We’re dry, needing a tune up in order to bloom up.
Maybe we need to wake up, inhale the rush of salvation. Christ’s resurrection power pushes us passed death, into the new garden we neglect too often.
We’re saved! No matter what’s wrong, there is a Holy Ghost song. Earth is just a quick dip in shallow water. We’re invited to bathe in the heavenly Father!
We’re loved, accepted, forgiven. If God is for us, who can be against us? Let the celebration begin! We’re free in a battle we already win!
God gave us this no-strings-attached joy. No person, principality or power can take it away ~ unless we give him the royal ok.
God is the only Valentine who makes the lonely shine! We rest in his restoration. He restores rest, passing us through each love test!
We say “goodbye” to the blahs that get in the way! Our Valentine is here to stay! Simply said, with souls fed and eyes on the prize, it’s fun to run in the Son!
That’s why we push passed the past. It’s true God is up to something new. That’s why we tighten our love muscles, forsaking all fussles!
Joy! We sing to the King! Yippee!! From here to there with Holy flair, we’re free to praise and be! Joy!
It’s contest time!
Write A Valentine to Jesus in the comment section below OR share this post on Facebook or Twitter and let me know, and I’ll randomly pick a winner to receive a FREE copy of my Zondervan gift book, “A Friend in the Storm.” Those who share in both places will be entered twice.
Thank you for sharing your love for God with us. Your words are beautiful.
I shared “His Valentine” on Facebook and on my twitter account @LTBCByGrace. Thank you for the opportunity to win your gift book, “A Friend in the Storm.”
You’ve inspired me. I may try my hand at writing my own valentine to Jesus, too. I’ll let you know. Thanks again.
Thanks Joan!!
I really appreciate you sharing God’s love this way! It will help other people this Valentine’s Day! And yes, I’m sure God would love to hear what He means to you. Whether you share it here or not. You mean everything to Him.
Hugs, blessings and inspirations, Joan!
Thank you for sharing your love of God and Jesus with me. My valentine to Jesus would be this:
Jesus my savior
Thank you for your love and sacrifice for me and the whole world. Thank you for being there when I need you. Thank you for being in my heart. Your love knows no bounds and your sacrifice showed us what true love is all about. Happy Valentines Day Jesus
With all my love Victoria
Beautiful words, Victoria! Thank you so much!
I say a big “amen” to your prayer note. Isn’t our Savior amazing?! We love you, Lord!!
Cheryl, I’ve never written a valentine to Jesus, but reading your words and seeing your post left me inspired. It’s not all lovely, but it’s real. Thanks for letting me share.
His Love Is Here to Stay
A sinner was I…
Shouted in church and spoken at home.
But years of confusion left me far from shalom.
I accepted forgiveness but feeling unworthy blinded me to your grace.
Words of “you must” filled my heart with fear in its place.
Through misunderstanding and neglect your love for me remained unclaimed.
I walked away seeking love from the outside, from strangers unnamed.
Running with no clear path often greeted my day.
Panic-stricken thoughts guided my way.
Bad choices kept me from seeking your well.
Locked up like a prisoner in personal cell.
God still reached for me and called my name,
But years of guilt left me laden with shame.
A childhood confession without the grasp of grace had left me alone.
But, the death of my dad, a child of the Kingdom, steered me toward the throne.
Tired of running, I walked the aisle and came home.
You were always there orchestrating the events to be.
With outstretched arms you embraced the prodigal me.
I love you Lord Jesus; you showed me how.
You paid the price; you set me free, not the sweat of my own brow.
Your love is here to stay.
With these feet of clay, I come to you each day.
In your presence I bow, thanking you for your gift of love.
Heaven sent from the Father above.
Sealed and indwelling by the Holy Spirit,
Walking with you is the answer to bear it.
Your love shelters me.
May I always seek your face before I seek your hand,
Claiming your promises to help me stand.
To your honor, glory and praise throughout eternity.
I love you Lord, Jesus.
By His Grace,
Wow, that’s beautiful Joan. Thanks for opening up your story to the Lord (and us)! Very worshipful, and a great testimony of God’s faithfulness.
Congratulations, Joan!
I just drew your name as the winner!!
You receive a FREE autographed copy of A Friend in the Storm!
Joan, by clicking “connect” on the web menu above, you can send me an email with your mailing address. I look forward to hearing from you!
I would change a few things in my quickly-written poem, but I’m glad you liked it. I’m so excited that I won your book. My email address is ajlitton at comcast dot net I know I will enjoy your book, A Friend in the Storm. Thank you so much! 🙂
Is fussles a cross between fuss and tussles?
Hi Linda. Not sure. I think I might have just made up a word. Kinda happens when you’re going with the flow. : ) I was thinking about those inner complaints and agitations.
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you have a fussle-free day! : )