Whatever you’re going through, Christ sees the purpose beyond your here and now.
In 2005 He arranged my friendship with a young wife and mother who was dying of stage four lung cancer. Chantale invited me into her world for regular visits. I was nervous because I didn’t know what to say, but God reminded me of my gift to write poetry. When Chantale said it brought her peace, I kept writing these home and hospice-delivered gifts.
What started as poetry in obscurity has become a faith-building gift book. Because God never wastes pain, A Friend in the Storm releases with Zondervan in mid-August.
Perhaps you or a loved one are in the midst of an impossible storm, and you’re wondering why a good and loving God would allow this crazy thing to happen.
We don’t know all the answers, but we know that God is love.
For a short while it looked like Jesus was defeated. Death had won the battle. The disciples were disillusioned and afraid.
Three days later, everything changed.
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18
Dance of Comfort
Just as My arm sweeps over yours,
My strength in you, to others, pours.
My truth in you now long declares,
your love loves stronger while it shares…
A prayer, a touch, a simple smile
reveals My Presence every mile.
There’s always something you can do,
when prayer makes waves ahead of you.
Wow…what a story. I love when God’s master plans for us come through and we can see where He was working all along.
Thanks for your comment, Jason! That’s the kind of amazing God we serve, isn’t it? He LOVES His children; and since He sees the end from the beginning, we need only to relax and trust Him. 🙂
Akinola Olusanya
When we go through pain and the storms of life, many times God wants to teach us something. We need just surrender because we know he is our loving Father. I for one learn something valuable in all situations. I have learnt to trust Him in lack and in plenty, in rejection and in acceptance, in shame and in fame. Blessed be the name of the Lord.
Danie Marie
Cheryl, what a beutiful ministry. I too write poetry, and love Dance of Comfort!
It sounds like you’ve gleaned a lot of wisdom through your trials, Akin. God bless you, and thanks for stopping by!
Thanks, Danie! I’m glad you love Dance of Comfort. It’s great to meet another poet! Feel free to share a short poem on my Facebook fan page. It’s the perfect place to encourage others.
Blessings and peace! 🙂
Akinola Olusanya
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto your own understanding. Prov 3v5.
Amen, Aki! One of my favorite Scriptures! Thanks for stopping by!
Sherrie Lord
Wow! Cheryl, that’s beautiful! I love good poetry. I’ll definitely buy a copy. Can’t wait!
Thanks, Sherrie! You made my night! :))
Akinola Olusanya
Pains, sufferings, trials.
Why do we go through these, especially when we are christians? The disciples asked Christ saying, who did sin, this man or his parents, that he was born blind? The answer was, Neither! But that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
The scripture tells us that many are the afflictions of the righteous. The good news is God is there with us in that situation. He has promised to always be there. We might not see or feel it. Never ever think you are alone. God can use those experiences to shape, mould, equip, and toughen us for what lies ahead in the future. If Joseph had never had all his slavery and prison experiences, he would never have being the great prime minister of that foreign nation. That in itself is a miracle. He delivered that nation and his family from famine.
Do not give up or be negative in your trials. Trust in God. We may not understand fully the how or when of God’s help. One thing you can be sure of is this – you are the apple of his eye and he loves you with unimaginable Love. He is more than able. God bless you.
Thanks for the wise words, Akinola! Indeed, God is more than able! People try to understand every cause and effect (because sin causes problems), but God says, “Understand my love. Don’t worry about what caused what. Sin or no sin, I’m the Solution. Invite Me into the situation, and rejoice that I’ll redeem your pain and be glorified!”
Akinola Olusanya
Even though i encounter the pain, loss, affliction, shame and everything negative thrown at me; as long i can breath, i have made up my mind to praise and give worship to the Lord God, the King of kings and Lord of lords. Amen.