What do wayward children, difficult coworkers, and emotionally distant relatives have in common?
The true simple answer: Each one of these needs our prayers, understanding, and kindness. (But the true simple fact is: we can’t love one of them even one iota without God’s help.)
Our freedom cost Christ His life. Doesn’t it make sense that we now follow the call and bring freedom to others?
That’s why I invite you to join me in taking the freedom challenge. I promise it’s better than the coca-cola challenge and the ice bucket challenge, and you’ll feel a lot warmer. To be conduits of freedom we need to walk with a new freedom mindset.
Know the Truth
Let’s face it: As Christ-followers, we’re bursting with Jesus potential. Satan will do anything and everything he can to blind us, distract us, or cause us to just plain ol’ forget who we are. But we’re all like a cell phone with room for hundreds more powerful apps than we ever dare to use. God gives us gifts galore. We’re hardwired to hardcore love hard-to-love people. Offer them a fresh drink from our wellspring.
As you connect with a difficult person this holiday week, why not strip off your self-consciousness and pride (who needs it?) and take the freedom challenge!
Ask God to empower you with His love and use you to sow seeds of freedom into someone’s life. Want it so badly you can taste it.
Picture yourself praying for someone’s freedom, then pray for an opportunity and intentionally step into it. Remember, the Big Guy will help you.
We all have hurts and struggles, but praying for others is a powerful effective way to start showing God’s courageous over-the-top love.
I’ve prayed for people who were once bound in sickness, fear, rage, lust and all kinds of vices—and I’ve watched God bring healing and freedom.
I personally know people who have been set free from Satanism, witchcraft, homosexuality, pornography, fear, and alcoholism. I even know people who have been set free from legalism. (collective gasp.) Bottom line: No heart is too far from the transformative power of Christ’s love.
Be Set Free!
Prayer point for others:
Pray blinders fall from people’s eyes, so they can taste and see the Lord is good, that His mercies endure forever, and that He makes ALL things possible.
Prayer point for yourself:
Examine your heart and ask God to highlight a place where you could use more freedom. Then follow the leading of the Holy Spirit with thanksgiving. Oh, and don’t forget to expect great things!
[box] “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.” Galatians 5:1[/box]
[box] “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36[/box]
[box] “Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out impure spirits and heal every disease and sickness.” Matthew10:1[/box]
Father, please help me love others the way you do.
Make me kind, selfless, and fearless.
Lead me to someone who is teachable enough to receive your truth.
Strengthen me to lay aside my comforts and bravely reach out.
Thank you that you have not given me a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a disciplined mind, so I can be a confident and effective extension of your grace today.
Help me help others until they’re loved, lovin’, and fire-crackin’ free.
Thank you that I can be a dynamite conduit who brings lasting freedom and life.
In your powerful Holy Name. Amen!
[box] “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free.” Luke 4:18[/box]
Where has God set you free and where do you still need freedom?
Care to share a need God has placed on your heart for someone’s freedom?
Are you up to the freedom challenge?
Karen Brennhofer
It was so nice seeing you again at family camp. I can’t wait to read your next book! I just love your emails, they always come at just the right time. Blessings!
Thanks Karen! Great to see you at family camp too! I’m so rejoice at your comment that my emails come at the perfect times. That’s our God. He’s so good and faithful and timely. Not a moment too late. Have a great weekend, dear one. God smiles at you and rejoices over you with singing!
Cheryl–I really enjoyed reading this. Your use of “freedom” is very pertinent to me (and others, too, I would guess). I hadn’t really thought about praying for freedom from “bondage”, if you will, for others that may be difficult to be around. This is an interesting way to pray and I am going to do this. It usually turns into self-reflection for me–I can drive myself just about crazy with self-reflection though. No one else ever needs to beat me up, as I can do a pretty good job of it myself!
What have I received freedom from? Back stabbing!!! I am so thankful that is gone. God has now given me the responsibility of helping others with this, too. I am working on haughtiness and legalism now–this coming along nicely but is somewhat hard.
Anyway, thanks for your words of wisdom, education, enlightenment and encouragement.
Hi Karla! I’m thrilled to know you enjoyed my devotional and that it helped you look at bondage and freedom differently!
Such a vulnerable answer: that you received freedom from backstabbing. You know someone is truly free when they aren’t afraid to talk about what they’ve been freed from. And how refreshing that you’re now helping others with this.
God will free you from those other things too. He recently freed me from one of my fears. Thank you, Jesus!
Father, I stand with my sister in Christ, asking you to axe off all traces of haughtiness and legalism. Thank you that it’s YOU who does the work in us. We just need to resist the enemy and yield to you.
Thank you that You who began a good work in Karla will be faithful to complete it.
I’m expecting great things for you, Karla. The best is yet to come. I so appreciate your honesty and transparency. Happy freedom day! He is able!
Linda Winter
What an awesome message, Cheryl. Completely timely for me with some “people” difficulties I am having right now…. SO FREEING (Ha). God bless you, your family, and your sharing of God’s gifts in you!! It was good to see you at Strawberry Lake recently.
cheryl Ricker
Hi Linda! I’m so thankful for God’s awesome timing! It’s a joy to share God’s gifts. I’m glad my post blessed you. And I pray God continues to lighten you as walk in His freedom and become more like Him through your relationships.