One in six couples suffer with infertility, feeling ostracized and alone.
“Too make matters worse,” says Janet Thompson, “few churches offer support groups to counsel this large overlooked group.”
After surgery for a ruptured ovarian cyst at age twenty-one and newly engaged, the doctor told Janet that her ovaries were cystic and looked like those of a 90-year-old woman. “Sorry, you’ll never be able to have children.”
Three years into marriage, Janet was miraculously pregnant with her daughter Kim!
Still, Janet couldn’t shake the worry that maybe Kim would have trouble getting pregnant too. Years later, her fears proved true. All of Kim’s infertility treatments failed. Meanwhile, Janet’s stepdaughter Shannon had also been trying to get pregnant for seven years. Janet watched both couples go through the same pain, frustration, and anguish she had experienced.
“We comfort others with the comfort we ourselves have received.”
Not one to waste her sorrows, Janet wrote, Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby? A Companion Guide for Couples on the Infertility Journey. Both Kim’s and Shannon’s stories run through the book, along with forty-five other couples who also share their stories to comfort and encourage others on their infertility journey.
“I wrote the book because I knew that couples longing for a child needed encouragement to trust in God in this path they never chose. The book and the couples who share remind us of God’s promises and presence. It gives an opportunity to explore His answers to our sorrowful ‘Whys?’”
Janet also wrote Dear God, They Say It’s Cancer: A Companion Guide for Women on the Breast Cancer Journey. The book resulted from her own diagnosis of breast cancer and how she longed to have this kind of book on hand during her journey. Both books are a mentor, record keeper, journal, devotional, prayer guide, and a friend. They have a section she calls “Sanity Tools” to keep records in one place.
Janet is currently writing the third in the series, Dear God, He’s Home! and welcomes your stories of life after retirement, medical disability, loss of a job, unemployment, home after military deployment, working out of the home—any circumstance that suddenly finds the husband home every day. Feel free to contact her at and your story might end up in Janet’s book!
Janet’s passion is mentoring: equipping and encouraging women to share what God has seen them through so they can help others.
Janet’s eyes twinkle with Christ’s love as she speaks. “Nothing happens in a believer’s life by accident. God asks us to tell others about the mighty wonders and works we’ve seen Him do in our lives and in the lives of those who open their hearts to Him.”
Friends, as you know one of the main themes in my gift book, “A Friend in the Storm,” is “God never wastes pain.” Perhaps you’ve considered how God could use you to help others, but you haven’t fully stepped out in way you’d like. Janet and I encourage you to comfort others with the comfort you have received. Don’t ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you’re not willing to move your feet. Maybe today is the day to reach out to that hurting person in your life. Maybe write that book or article you’ve been thinking about. Maybe start that talk or website.
You can see one of the ways God’s helping me help others through my website While there, feel free to sign up for my free monthly e-letter. Janet invites you to do the same at
Janet lives with her husband Dave in the mountains of Idaho and is now “Grammie” to eleven grandchildren!
Friends, nothing pleases God as much as when we love other people. Would you please join me for a moment in order to pray for a couple you know who is struggling with infertility? Thank you!
Dear Heavenly Father, I lift up ………today. I ask that You please do a miracle in their lives like You did for Janet. You are the great giver of life. Please lead them in the way they should go. If they’re considering adoption, please open that door, and may everything go smoothly. Encourage their hearts and help me to be a good friend in their storm. Amen!
Janet and I would like to give away a free copy of Dear God, Why Can’t I Have a Baby? A Companion Guide for Couples on the Infertility Journey AND a free copy of A Friend in the Storm. Simply leave a comment and we’ll randomly pick a couple winners! Thank you!
Me and my husband have been trying to have a baby for over 10 years now and have been unable to. We have been to fertility doctors and have done some treatments. I am doing one last procedure to see why now both of my tubes are closed. It has been very hard on me and I don’t think my husband truly understands. We did adopt a boy 6 years ago. He is my son in every way and I love him to pieces. He is a blessing from God and having him does help but I still want to get pregnant and have a baby. I still have those feelings. I think it is part of being a women. You feel like you are not doing something you were met to do as a women. You don’t feel whole. I would love to read your books. They sound very helpful.
Congratulations Victoria!
You win two free books!
Blessings on your day!
~ Cheryl
Dear Victoria,
First, please know that your thoughts and feelings are legitimate and experienced by many. Both men and women often feel their main purpose is to reproduce, even though the two may express their emotions differently. But sometimes God has an even higher purpose for us. Your son is so fortunate to have you as parents and a loving home…something that he might now have had had you not opened up your hearts to him.
Two of my daughters share their story in the book along with 45 other couples. My daughter Kim also adopted and we can’t imagine not having our precious grandson in the family. At first they saw adoption as a ministry, but of course, Brandon was more than that….he was family and they were what they longed to be…parents.
I hope you are blessed by reading the sharing of other couples going through a similar trial. It always helps to know you aren’t alone. Keep the faith and keep trusting God…His plans and purpose for us are so much higher than our own and they’re always good.
About His Work,
Janet Thompson
I am very blessed to hear the testimony of Janet.I went for two surgery,one for appendicitis and overian cyst.I have married for 12 years now and never had babies.I adopt a girl and she’s now 7 years..I went for a check up again to find the problem of not having children and the doctor told me my scar from the surgery block my fallooian tube.I still pray and believe that God will bless my womb in his own timing
Today has not been a good day! I woke up sad and it jus progressed… im so sick of this whole not getting pregnant torture! And I say torture cuz thats exactly wat it is. My mind automatically goes into maybe im pregnant over everything and that jus leads into disappointment after more disappointment. I take dumb pregnancy tests knowing there going to b negative. Y am I doing this to myself? Im sick of pretending im ok about it cuz im not! My mind constantly wonders y am I not getting pregnant, y is it taking so long, and will I ever really have another child. Im a Christian woman and I shouldn’t allow this to effect me the way it does because I kno, God is good and I will have it when im suppose to but my mind just isint fully understanding these things and it doesn’t make things easier all the time, and thts doesn’t make the 1 line on the pregnancy test any less hurtful … every month its the same cycle, ive probably had about 30 negative tests in the last year and its hard. I jus want to b ok! I dont want to go thru this. I dont want to want to have a kid… I dont want to have dreams about bout being pregnant… I dnt want to envy ppl who have babies… I dnt want to think its possible im pregnant… I dont want to pee on a stick and see a single line… I dnt want to wonder y not me… nobody I kno understands my pain cuz nobody I kno has went thru this… I understand im only 22 & I still have time but that doesnt ease the pain. I am so thankful for my son and I dont take him for granted at all and I jus wish I could b happy and fulfilled with just him… I think I jus need to look up scripture that will reverse my negative thoughts and start speaking them when my mind starts going… cnt kill thoughts with thoughts… gota kill them with words!
Hi, Sierra.
I can honestly say I know how you feel. My son is nine years old and we have struggled with being unable to give him brothers and sisters for several years.
I watch others and think “why not me?”. “What do they have that makes them more worthy than me?”
I’ve had a relative tell me I should just be thankful for the one I have. And she honestly made me wonder if I wasn’t a good enough mother to the child I have.
*HUGS* I just wanted you to know that you are not alone.
Hi Angie! Thanks for sharing your words of understanding!
I know exactly how you feel. My son is 9 and l have tried for almost 8years now but nothing . I have been so angry not understanding exactly why this is happening to me. Friends tell me not to give up but l think l am done now l feel l can’t do this to myself anymore l should be grateful with what God blessed me with my son. He is just a blessing and l know l look forward to each day because of him.
Your post was posted last year but i cudnt help replying. you say exactly what i feel. im 27 and we have been trying for 2 yrs but its soo hurtful. i hate that single line.. i had 1 miscarriage and never got pregnant since. i keep wondering whhat ii am doing wrong. im so confused. i want it all to just stop. i had so many plans, so many things to teach my kids…but i never got them..evrybdy around me is pregnant with their 2nd or 3rd kid and me…??
Hi Ayesha. I just stopped by to let you know I was thinking about you and that baby you’ve so desired. I’m praying God touches your life with immeasurable blessings this year! You are so loved by your Creator. May you feel His presence today in an extra meaningful way! You’re His dear child and He eagerly desires the closest possible Father/daughter relationship with you possible. You’re not alone.
Hi Sierra. Looks like I commented to your message a little farther down, so I’m not sure you ever received my reply back then. Just wanted to let you know I’m praying that God will open your womb and give you the desires of your heart. No matter what happens, may this be your best year ever. God is crazy about you. You are the apple of His eye. He has good plans for you. Plans to give you an exciting future and a hope. Bless you!
Hi Sierra,
I don’t believe you landed here by accident. Mind if I pray for you?
Heavenly Father, you see the pain Sierra is undergoing right now. Please wrap your arm around her and be her comfort. Help her to trust your Sovereignty, mystery, and perfect timing. Thank you for the son your gave her. Fill her heart with joy and thanksgiving as she waits for you to answer her prayer. Help her stay true to you. May she delight in your always. May she receive the desires of her heart, according to your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen!
Dear Janet,
Your words mean alot in these moments… My husband and I have been trying for almost 2 1/2 years. We’ve been diagnosed but we leave it Gods hands because he has control of everything… Thank you so much
Dear Elda,
Thanks for reading my blog! I’m glad Janet’s post ministered to you!
I’d be honored to pray with you if that’s ok.
Heavenly Father, thank you for Elda. Thank you that she’s yours. She loves you and she knows you’re in control. Please minister to her needs today. Please wrap her in joy, wisdom, and rest. We ask for a miracle today ~ in Jesus’ name. Amen!
After drs said I had a zero % chance of having a child one surgery and fertility treatments blessed me with my beautiful daughter! Three more fertility proceedures blessed us with a second pregnancy ..but unfortunately I had a miscarriage. I am now 40 and struggling to understand miscarriage .. I desperately want another child, and feel my family is missing someone. How can I find the faith to trust in God’s plan? I feel I have lost my way…
Dear Jessica,
The very fact that you want faith to choose God’s plan shows me that you already have the faith you need. (We just need faith the size of a mustard seed.)
The same God who gave you your first child when doctors said you had a 0% chance, can do it again.
Ask Him to give you peace and a confirmation about what steps you should take. He will. He’s faithful.
Father, thank you for Jessica. You know this desire of her heart. Thank you for hearing her cries. Help her to be like Hannah and keeping crying out to you.
You are righteous and YOU can move mountains.
We thank you in advance.
In Jesus’ name.
Dear Cheryl, thank you so much for responding…I had typed through tears a computer search of ‘ dear God, why can’t I have a baby?’ I had no idea it was the title of a book. I also am so honored you wrote back – I feel that I have been heard and I truly appreciate that. Also in awe you spoke of Hannah, as that has always been a name I’ve considered naming a child. Thank you for hearing me, bless you … Jessica
Why has God taken so long to answer my cry. Yesterday i celebrated my 4th marriage aniversary with tears. I feel so confused as to what m nt doing right cos all around me are women full of joy for the gift of babies mine is defferent how long will it take pls lord hear my cry im going through alot
Hi Nancy,
I wish I could reach out and hug you right now. I am so so sorry about the pain you’re feeling inside. Please know I’m praying for you. God hears your cry. Keep reaching out to Him with unconditional praise and trust. Just let Him hold you through this, ok? And keep making your requests known to Him.
Big hugs!!!
Married for 4years and trying to conceive for 3…not only did we have to deal with my blocked left tube, hubby was diagnosed with leukaemia 2years back. His condition is now stable and doctors have assured us that the disease is not hereditary, we started to try for a baby again. The thought of one day, should he leave me on this earth all alone is very real and upsetting. We want to have a kid of our own that is both him and me in one.
Months of disappointment and today, I just randomly typed “dear god, why cant I have a baby” and it leads me to this page. I feel sad to see many other couples going through this tough journey. I hope to get hold of the book someday and seek comfort in the stories shared in book.
Hi Cindy. I’m so glad you found us here. Yes, it is very difficult, and I’m sorry about your pain. Please know that I’m praying for you tonight. God has a plan in all of this. Keep sharing with Him your feelings. You’re so loved.
I typed into Google ” Dear God, please give me a baby. this brought me to your site. wow, the path to him is so direct sometimes. I’m. 40, trying for #5 for a year and half. since the loss of my daughter at 20 days. she was my husband first. I am so afraid God’s will, will be for me to not conceive again. so, I pray, constantly. my heart aches everyday for my baby girl, Paige. but the getting af every month is heartbreaking too.
we go to a RE in January. this is the last option. please post for me and Jason. thank you for this site, I’m going to get this book asap.
Praying for you, Kristina! Big hugs! And please let us know how the book blesses you!
My husband and I will be celebrating or 7th wedding anniversary this April and have yet to conceive; the last few years have been the hardest as I will also be celebrating my 27th birthday this April. Since we have been married for for nearly 7 years we always get asked when were are going to have kids. I feel embarrassed at the fact we haven’t been able to conceive so I usually tell everyone we are not ready yet, even though I desperately want to be a mother. When I was 20 years old I had surgery for ovarian cysts and fibroids as well as endometriosis. My doctor said I should be able to conceive as soon as I was full recovered but I still have yet to get pregnant. I have decided to skip all fertility treatment and just leave it in Gods hands, but I feel like I’m starting lose faith.
I’m praying for you, Jessica. May you feel the Lord’s presence in an extra special way. I’m proud of you for leaving it in God’s trustworthy hands. Don’t lose the faith. And don’t lose your hope. Hang in there. God will carry you through this.
I’m soon to be 42, my husband and I have prayed and believed for a second child together for over three years. We have a daughter who will be turning five soon. She asks to be a big sister all the time, she loves babies. We tried to conceive our second child together before we were married, when nothing was happening I believed god wanted us married first. We got married and started to go to church as a family. We have now been married eight months and still nothing. I keep praying, believing having faith, talking healing over my body and nothing. I’m giving it all over to god but I feel I’ve done that because its my way of giving up. I’ve even prayed to god for a dream and two times the nights I’ve asked I’ve had a dream first of being pregnant, than I had a dream of just giving birth and having my baby in my arms. I just don’t know how to feel or think anymore.
Thanks for stopping by, Shelly. It’s SO hard when you want something so badly and the Lord doesn’t seem to be answering your prayers. But you’re doing the right thing to give it all over to God. He loves you and hears each prayer. No matter what happens, I pray you never stop trusting Him. And may He some day bless you with that second child. I’m praying for you. Love, Cheryl
Awesome God i worship you and i thank you for this Book you wrote through your daughter and i believe that your Mighty hand will touch the womb of every woman seeking you on the issue of Fruitfulness. May our joy be full and May the world rejoice with us as they did with our Biblical Mother “Sarah”. Lord i want you to wipe all this tears away and replace with endless laughter. I am confident because it is not in you track record to fail. I know i and everyone seeking your face Dear Lord will come back with rejoicing according to your word in Psalm 126. Praise the Lord!!!!
Hi Anu,
I LOVE how you’re free to break into worship here. Made my day. And I agree with your prayer. Wipe away those tears, and turn her mourning to dancing. In Jesus’ name.
We have been trying for our ANGLE for 6 years. But i don’t know Why we can’t have a baby. We almost saw 8docs. They all say there is No problem. Husband and I are ok. But then whats the reason? Sometimes I Wish I had an health problem. It would be cured. I feel alone and so sad 🙁
Hi Mianora. I prayed for you when I first read this, but I’d like to pray for you again if that’s okay. Father, I lift Mianora before your throne. I ask you to touch her in a mighty way, as only You can do. Touch her mind, touch her spirit, and touch her emotions. Please give her the desires of her heart. In Jesus’ Name. Amen! Praying this will be a good year for you, Mianora!
I love this blog page
Me and hubby are ttcing for 5 years and still nothing all i get is painfull endo and big cyst,no positive prep test. I crie myself to sleep most night’s I’m isolated myself from friends and family members it’s just to painfull to be around all the pregnancies and family cute babies i sometimes feel like taking my own life coz the hurt and pain never goes awaypeople are so insensitive and would say the worst things to you without thing i hate life coz the hurt and pain has blocked all positive feelings i had,everytime someone say that tyere pregnand i have to swallow bac my tears,i sometimes wane punch them in the face when they complain about morning sickness and swollen feet i would trade anything to be in that position i just don’t think i can take this anymore,did the Lord 4get about me,i hate this hatred and negative feelings i feel i don’t wan feel like this anymore.
I’m glad you like this blog page, Carmen. I hope you’ll subscribe to Fresh Air and receive regular encouragement. I’m so sorry you’re having to go through this.
Please know that I’m praying for you right now. You’re going make it through this. And you’re going to be able to help other people too.
God hears your hearts cry. He’s felt your tears. He wants to hold you close and comfort you today. You’re HIS precious child, and He loves you very much!
Hi I’m 39 I’ve been trying to get pregnant for years. I hv 1 son I had at 17 but never been pregnant again in 22 years. I’ve taking clomid in the past but 4 years ago I got married again and we started really trying other options and a doc. I work with did iui for almost free 6 to be exact no seven the last one was a double two days in a row and on Monday December 29 I started light bleeding I looked it up thinking it could be implantation then 4 days later I took a test ..negative. This journey is very hard to watch every one around me be pregnant and my husband doesn’t have any kids but he treats my son like he’s his 🙂 my son is mentally handicap. This morning January 1st 2015 hurt so bad because I know God can but why not for us it’s like I can’t breathe waiting for the test and boom it hits the big NO NOT FOR YOU SIGN and other people don’t understand they say ooohh it will happen when you stop thinking about it REALLY how can you stop thinking about it they don’t get it. I’m trying to hold back my tears I just wanna scream and my husband is saying don’t let it get you down it’s ok but it’s not ok I’m crushed . I’ve had dreams where God told me I was pregnant and wht to name her and still no . They have prayed and prayed for us at church still no and there’s nothing more I can do I can’t afford ivf . All I can do is wait and I don’t really have a lot of time. 🙁 I’m not asking for material thing like money I’m ask God to give me a chance to give life something that’s supposed to be easy. Carissii
I’m so sorry for your pain, dear Carissii. It must be so hard to wait for something so long and be disappointed so many times. How frustrating to see people around you pushing out babies like it’s nothing, while you haven’t even had that second child you so desire. I don’t have any easy answers or solutions. But I do thank God that you know Him. He truly does understand how you feel, even when nobody else does. I’m praying you feel His love for you more deeply and stronger than ever. And may He whisper in your spirit today the exact words of comfort you need to hear. And may He open up your womb again and give you a miracle! In Jesus’ Name.
I find myself like these women! I have been trying to conceive for two years! I have went through failed fertility treatments and just don’t know what to do! I am one month away from my 35 birthday and just feel like my time is running out! I’ve prayed and prayed and I sometimes, shamefully find myself mad at God! I am a christian and have been for years! I know Gods loves me and wants the best for me. I just feel so sad around women with babies. Then I feel for feeling that way! Please pray for me. My heart is aching and I feel so sad!
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How do you make the pain go away? Iam hurting i want a baby God.
please help me to succeed
I’m twenty and have been trying for quite a while now.. Yes I that I am young but I want to know that feeling of mother-hood I want to know what it’s like to love my baby and be all that my child needs.. I pray and go on these internet sites for answers but I feel none of them can fully answer my question to why can’t I get pregnant.. I see every one else my age having babies but for me it seems so hard and I try my best not to doubt me ever getting pregnant because I don’t want to upset God but there are some I just can’t help it I just would like for someone to pray for me and help me seek closer in some way and with that I have nothing more to say.. Goodbye my fellow friends I wish you all the best and you all are in my prayers.
Hi beautiful! I will pray that the Lord will give you and your husband a baby in his perfect time for you both.
I thank you so very much from the heart.
My son and daughter in law have been trying to conceive and after a few years of procedures and many prayers, the doctors have given them little hope of being able to conceive. They both are very discouraged and their spirits are low. I would love to send them the book, “Dear, God Why Can’t I have a baby” where can I order this book?
Hi Stephanie. It’s available on Amazon. Thanks for stopping by. Hopefully, we’ll see you again. If you would like to read more posts like this, please feel free to subscribe to my blog. I’m praying your son and daughter-in-law. Sheesh, that must be so hard. So kind of you to want to encourage them with a copy of the book. I pray it blesses them.
I’m so sad….My husband and I have been married for 6 years and been trying for 5 yrs now. Still nothing. I have been going to see my obgyn and been taking meds but nothing seems to work. Month after month it’s always a negative preg test. I often wonder why god has made me suffer this much. I can’t find the right answers to why this is happening to me. I get so sad when people around me are pregnant and have kids. I love kids, but I get extremely sad and I feel sorry for me and my husband. This feeling is a feeling that no one understands and I feel so alone. Everyone in my family have kids and all my friends are either pregnant or have multiple kids already. I tried to hard to not let it bother me, but I feel like I can’t hide these feelings anylonger. I HATE it so much when people ask me why we don’t have kids. I desperately do want kids, but my answer to them is always because ” we’re not ready yet.” I honestly do not want anyone to know that we have been trying and not having conceived. I feel sad, alone, and hopeless. I have the best husband ever and he’s very supportive but it’s this feeling of not ever experiencing motherhood that’s making me extremely disappointed in myself. This whole process is making me DEPRESSED. The fact that my husband loves kids and he plays with my nieces and nephews all the time. It breaks my heart that I can’t give him a baby. I guess this is something out of my hand, I can’t do this without god and when he feels it’s the right time, it will be. I just hope that he hears my struggles and don’t make us wait too long. It is all up to god.
Please help pray for me. Thanks.
I’m sorry to hear you’ve been depressed.
God is with you and he loves you more than you could know.
I’m praying for you today.
Here is a post that might help encourage you:
May God turn your mourning into dancing again.
I’ve been a believer most of my life and the Biblical answers for the pain I feel regarding not having a child. I tell my husband he is worth more to me than 10 sons, but I still ask why. After three years of trying I only have a miscarriage that was harder than I thought it would be. I try so hard to be happy when all my sisters, friends and family announce they are pregnant. I really am happy for them! However, I cry at least once a week about not having my own. I try not to fixate. I keep myself busy. I pray. I still catch myself longing for a child. I am content in my life. I love my husband and our life. I love the Lord and He is enough for me. How do I accept not having a child?
That’s so difficult, Jessica. You ask a good question, one that’s asked by many.
Until God says “no,” I would say keep praying for a miracle.
God feels each one of your tears. I know you know he cares.
Here is a post that might encourage you:
I’m praying for you right now.
I was just told today my friend is pregnant…my heart sank. I know it’s so awful to feel envious of another but she has never been keen to have a child. I finally googled this statement came across this site. My heart literally hurts from all the disappointment, and pain and anguish. I keep thinking what if I hadn’t had the miscarriage….I would have had a beautiful baby of my own. After years of fertility treatments we are trying one last time…I’m completely out of hope but I’m praying for a miracle. I just feel so lost in this journey. We are blessed in so many ways why are we not given the miracle of a child???
Dear, dear Enoka. I’m so sorry about your pain, and so is God.
I feel this is what He what He might say to you:
Enoka, I haven’t forgotten you. Please keep delighting in me in the midst of your storm. I love you and want to be close to you more than you know. You are my child. I chose you, I called you, and I named you. You are mine.
Call on me and tell me all your feelings. I am the number one miracle in your life. Get to know me more. You might feel lost, but I want you to feel found in me.
I am the God of the impossible. I AM a miracle-working God. Keep loving and believing and hoping in me. I have so much more for you than you could possibly know.
I have been having such a hard time with getting pregos the doc says nothings wrong. I got pregos back in 2012 and miscarried at 10 weeks. Then couldnt get pregos again until may of this year but i miscarried at 6 weeks. How much can i go through. All i want is kids. I want to have 4-6 kids. Thats all i want in life and it kills me.i have lost hope and it hurts so much
Surprisingly did i know my worry had been documented as book. 3years struggling for a baby has been hell. I always feel am not a man, gets more frustrated when my wife menstruate. Imagine when it delays for 2days, the emotional unstabiliy, the dreams and thoughts which shatters soon as i see blood. Am i not fit to receive a gift from God, since babies are gift from God?
I don’t know if should let my dream of a child go?I hurt. I am sad. What do I do now?
I pray that all of you receive the child you so desire. Sending you all healing thoughts and love.
iam so inspired by your site cherry. a lot of women are suffering every moment because they cant get pregnant. i have met a lot in my ministry who needs help but sometimes i would run short of words because its hard to tell them to be strong when i had never experienced their pain. i might as well refer them to you
I am a mom with twins and both diagnosed with autism, they are now 9 years old, We are blessed with them, but our hearts desire is to have a another child. Please pray for us, we have been trying for some time and believing in God for a miracle. Please pray for us.
I wonder if you would ever consider writing a book for women trying to find a husband. It is a double pain because I’m waiting for a husband you are forced to wait for children. Is there a book you can recommend I read?
Hi there. I to long for a baby. I have been married 6yrs now and although I was told I will never have children I hang on to the belief that God will move in me and heal my tubes and we will be blessed with a baby. I do have moments where I feel helpless and hopeless but faith tells me it will be one-day. Much love and blessings to all of you out there xoxo
My husband and I’ve been trying and praying to be able to conceive soon. I don’t know if it’s a gift or a curse- I had this one dream where I was crying for I finally got pregnant. Another dream showed me carrying a very fair-skinned and healthy baby. I don’t know but every time of the month that my menstruation comes— I wish if God can let me not wake up when I’ll be having those dreams again. No one understands— not even my husband cause I am the first one seeing the blood, I am the one feeling that pre-menstrual pain, I am the one whose supposed to bear our child– no one understands. I even felt envious and somehow felt offended when friends tell me their success when they obviously knew how we were struggling— then upset that I felt those negative feelings towards them. It’s not easy. No one will understand so I can only tell God my pain. My wish still stands. I know I shouldn’t feel so obsessed about having a child. But that feeling of having a child you can cherish..I want to look into my child’s eyes.. and tell my child how much I’ve wanted and longed for him/her. I know I have lots of things to be thankful for but it’s hard to feel loved, cherished and blessed if that one thing, the most important gift of life was never given… if that one thing that my heart truly desires go unanswered..
Praying for you, Chris!
Thanks Cheryl.. Through our God’s grace and all our prayers, I am now pregnant.
I hope this blessing inspire other people to continue to pray and to hold onto that faith that they’ll be having have their own blessing sooner than they’re wishing for.
Thank you so much for hearing me out when I was so down.
Thanks you for your prayers and love.
I am currently going the same thing. I have 7 years trying to conceive, and your words are exactly what I feel. But in my case, my desire to have a child doesn’t even come true in my dreams. I feel like I was taken away the gift of being a mom, it’s like not being able to breathe. Im glad God heard your prayers, I hope one day I will be able to have that same blessing
Praying for you, Elizabeth!
I am currently going the same thing. I have 7 years trying to conceive, and your words are exactly what I feel. But in my case, my desire to have a child doesn’t even come true in my dreams. I feel like I was taken away the gift of being a mom, it’s like not being able to breathe. Im glad God heard your prayers, I hope one day I will be able to have that same blessing
Congrats Chris! Praise God! So exciting!