It was a no good, really bad day, and I couldn’t hide my tears.
To make matters worse, my son caught sight of me as he scuttled by.
But he held his calm. He did a double take, and flashed a smile.
“You’re God’s warrior,” he said.
I blinked. Did that really come from his twelve year old mouth?
His words found their place. They flickered some kind of light in me. You know how love plus truth equals hope, right? Well, I daydreamed as he skipped off to his room.
Then he returned.
“Remember, you’re God’s warrior!” he repeated with a peek around the corner.
Did he come back just to tell me this?
His words brought more light. More air in my balloon. But such is the nature of encouragement. It’s lightens us. Brightens us. Grows in us.
At the simple profundity of my son’s healing words, a smile stretched my face.
I’m God’s warrior.
I love how this truth enlarged me. This truth spoken in love. And it works like this:
[box] Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. Proverbs 12:25 [/box]
Once sore, my balloon began to soar. I whispered my Jesus-thank yous.
Thank you for good words, for truth, for spiritual armor. Thank you that it’s your battle; we already win in you.
And Lord? You’re my everything.
Make me a conduit of encouragement too? Even today? I want to fly people’s balloons. I certainly don’t want to burst them. Ack! Help me never burst them!
[box] Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. Ephesians 4:29[/box]
I love everything about this! Thank you.
You’re most welcome, Lisa! Thanks for stopping by!
Boy, you sure know how to make the words flow.They inspire
me every time I read a new one. They are sure to inspire
any one who reads them. Keep up the good work. Thank you.
Have a good day!
Thanks Joyce! This means so much!
LOVE this! Every time I see a balloon soar I will think of you!
Thanks B.J.! My spirit’s soaring now. Sure is a joy to soar with Jesus, isn’t it?
thank you for your encouragment, it gives us a lift
Thanks Diane,
As the body of Christ, we lift each other up. We have reason to fly! Bless you!