I grew up in a home riddled with tension. That’s why I thrive on God’s invitation to peace:
“My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27
If I could start over, I’d assure that little girl it’s ok to trust God, even when things don’t make sense.
I’d remind her that since she belongs to the Prince of Peace, both Christ and His peace dwell in her, and no one can steal them away.
I’d tell her to try to live at peace with all men, to seek peace and pursue it.
I’d assure her that when she draws near to God, He will draw near to her, and never leave her.
I’d warn her that peace has many enemies, and that giving into her personal temptations only robs her of peace.
Finally, I’d encourage her that it’s ok to be confident in the future, even when things don’t make sense in the present – because the God who wrote the greatest love letter in history, would carry her across time, and work all things together for good.