My child, I’m with you, waiting to lighten your day with Truth.
Open yourself to freedom, joy, hope, health, & soul rest.
Bathe in My pages that spear each test.
Lean on Me when you can’t see. I’ll help you over-stand.
Soak in grace. I was poured in your place!
Truth seeps in the secret places, mending, brightening.
I stumbled through wrath to make your path secure.
Tiptoe close. Absorb My sweet-somethings in your ear.
As the flower turns to the sun, or the dog to his master, so the soul turns to God. – William Temple
To him who is thirsty I will give to drink without cost from the spring of the water of life. Revelation 21:6
“over-stand.” Love it! 🙂 Thanks for sharing this.
My pleasure, Dena! Thanks for stopping by!