To be loved and understood is the cry of the human heart.
Someone knows you inside in out, remembers what you’ve been through, and how it affects you today.
He hears your silent prayers, and knows when your cherished dreams are dashed against a rock.
At a women’s missions event this summer, a woman from the next table motioned me over.
She was crying. She told me she’d just read “In Tune” from one of the postcard poems I’d placed on each table.
I learned that the woman propped up in a wheelchair beside her was her daughter. She had recently survived an aneurism that affected the synapses in her brain. She was aware of the outside world but locked in her own, unable to speak or move.
God spoke peace to the mother through “In Tune”, and it was nothing I could have orchestrated.
Considering the sea of tables, I marveled at how God led me to sit beside her. I shouldn’t have been surprised. The same God who knows and cares about each cell, synapse and nerve was big enough to know how to comfort and encourage two people at the same time.
So it is with you. God knows what you need at this exact moment. He hears every one of your unspoken emotions.
Thank Him for understanding and caring. He has a plan. It might not seem like it now but He will reveal it to you in His perfect time.
I’d love to hear about a time when God revealed His love for you in a way only He could have orchestrated. Let’s celebrate God’s comfort and goodness together. Thanks!
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Please leave your comments here…
Debbie Jansen
Hi Cheryl,
I love your blog. My oh my at the times God has sent me on a divine appointment. I’m amazed at His love for me and for those I meet. I love a story Whintley Phipps tells about how God provided a divine appointment. He was on a plane and gave one of musical tapes to a hurting stewardess. Two weeks later she shared it with the producer of the Billy Graham crusades. He was called and the rest is history.
He also shared his own thoughts….”It is in the quiet crucible of your private personal sufferings that your nobelest dreams are born…and God’s greatest gifts are given in compensation for what you’ve been through!”
Thanks for all you do,
Cheryl Ricker
Thanks Debbie!
What an inspiring story about Whintley Phipps! God truly works in mysterious ways. It makes me want to burst in praise! It’s funny~ the times I accidentally break into rhymes. 🙂
That’s a powerful quote. So true! And it’s proven itself in my sufferings too!
God bless you today!
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